Tom Hinson

Howdy. Atlanta’s original Tom Hinson here. Small claim to fame, but there it is. I design, write and code things found on the internet. Since the early days of the interwebs, I have been involved in designing, building, maintaining and hosting successful and popular websites.

Tommy, is that you?

Of course it’s me. If you know me as Tommy Hinson, you’ve probably known me a long time. Let’s grab a coffee.

have a coffee with tom hinson

“I used to hurry a lot, I used to worry a lot, I used to stay out till the break of day”

February, 2025 – Tempus fugit. (Latin, loosely, “time flies.”) As the years have flown by, I’ve changed and learned quite a bit. Reflecting on mistakes that I’ve made through the years, I’d love to give my younger self some advice. If time travel were a thing, the following bits of advice are what I’d share with myself beat into my head. Since time travel is not a thing, maybe these will resonate with someone else. Perhaps even you.

Do What’s Right

Do what’s right. Not because it’s easy. Not because it’s popular. But because it’s right.

You have a conscience. It works. Listen to it. You will long regret doing the wrong thing, but you will never, ever regret doing what’s right. And remember, what’s right isn’t based on human thoughts or feelings.


It’s what you do when no one’s watching. However, your integrity (or lack thereof) will loudly spill over into life for all to see. Count on it.


I am firmly in the “middle age” camp. Yesterday I was a teenager. It happens much faster than you can imagine. Critically analyze how you spend your time. Are you doing what matters? There is no undo for wasted time. And while we’re on the subject of time, tomorrow is never guaranteed. It’s easier to make today count when you remember that.


No choice is as intuitively difficult, or as powerful. “Intuitively” because forgiving someone who has wronged you isn’t natural or easy. It can seem impossible. But that power...

Forgiving isn’t ignoring the wrong that’s been done or making excuses for it. It’s looking the wrong squarely in the eye and saying, “You’re wrong. Period.” And then choosing not to enforce the punishment that’s due. Acknowledging it and genuinely letting it go.

And lest you think it’s for the sake of the offender, try it. The release you experience when you (truly) forgive others is life changing. It’s also a million times easier to forgive others once YOU have been forgiven. There is one who can forgive it all. Ask Him. He will.


It’s a tricky thing, but it’s important. And it’s not what the “world” teaches you it is. “It was love at first sight!” No, it wasn't. Attraction, maybe. Lust, perhaps. No, what most everyone perceives as love, isn't.

Love is not an emotion. Not a feeling. It’s not fickle or easily changed.

Love is a decision, a choice. One made with the foreknowledge that it isn't, and won’t be, perfect. That it will involve ups and downs. And offenses. (See “Forgiveness”) A choice to put the needs of someone else ahead of your own.

Remember and acknowledge the source of true love.

Health / Health Care

We spend more money per person on “health care” than any other time in history. We have the most advanced medical training ever. And yet, we are not very healthy. Google obesity today versus, say, the 1950s. Then check heart disease. Or cancer. All of these are way, WAY more prevalent today. Why?

It would seem that something isn’t working. What’s different today than the 1950s? For starters, smoking has decreased drastically. That alone should have made a huge difference. And yet... Some other changes since then?

1) We eat far more processed food with additives, preservatives and artificial sweeteners. Think those have any health effects? 2) We eat far less healthy (real) food like vegetables and fruits. 3) We bioengineer food so we can spray weed killer directly on it and it not die. Then we eat that. 4) We (incorrectly) decided that all fat in food is bad, so we took as much of it out as possible and, for taste, replaced it with salt and sugar. 5) We consume massive amounts of sugar. Read the labels; it’s in almost everything today, and sugar does horrific damage to your health.

“I gotta be cool, relax, get hip, and get on my tracks”


Despite the “scientificaly-proven” theory, evolution is one of, if not the, biggest lies ever foisted upon humanity. It seeks to negate the need for a creator, thereby eliminating Him as the author of life and, as such, the one who gets to decide what is right and wrong. If you research this with an open mind (as I have for decades), you’ll find this theory is 100% unscientific. There are many scientists and scholars at the highest levels who agree: evolution is a complete farce. Many souls have been lost for eternity because of this scientifically-impossible nonsense—don’t let yours be one.


It costs you nothing to be kind, even to the most difficult of people.

You will win the hearts of many with kindness. Especially when it’s “unwarranted."


Don’t succumb to feelings or group think. There is no “your truth” or “my truth.” Truth is objective, not subjective. It may not be popular, but that doesn’t make it untrue.

Re-read Prov. 14:12

Education vs. Intelligence

Education is highly valuable. However, education does not necessarily make you smart. It certainly doesn’t make you wise, and there’s a huge difference. The “world” puts a tremendous value on education; sadly it places little value on wisdom. That may be because the “world” is not very wise. Get a good education. Never stop learning. But acknowledge that there’s more to it than that. Look around: The world is full of highly-educated people doing really dumb things. Read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Seek wisdom!

Work Ethic

They say work smarter, not harder. And there is wisdom in that. But ... work hard. There is no substitute for doing the actual work. And it’s good for you! You cannot achieve without effort. Plan it. Prepare for it. Do it.

Never be lazy. Not intellectually. Not physically. Not emotionally. Few things will do you more harm than laziness.

Final Destination

As my friend at SRK Cycles says, “It’s not what you’re riding, it’s where you’re going.

Where are you going?

“It’s your life, and isn’t it a mystery”

Caddyshack theme song quote, “I’m alright”

— Drove a Bug and Ate Limes —

©2025, Tom Hinson
Tucker | Gwinnett | Atlanta | Georgia ... or thereabouts.